Account Creation 

Upon registering you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy

General Safety

By creating an account on, you affirm your commitment to keeping your account secure. We are not liable for lost data or accounts if proper account maintenance is neglected. We reserve the right to delete accounts that interfere with our services, negatively impacting other users and the functionality of our website. To uphold our user(s) right to privacy, we encourage you to avoid bringing up personal information. Your account's email addresses are kept confidential by default, with the option for you to decide whether to display your email. For maximum security, we recommend using the Google sign-in prompt option.

General Site Use

When visiting MINERMENDS.COM, you agree to comply with (he/she shall not):

  • Disrupt the website or maliciously gain unauthorized access to URLS & content.
  • Display inaccurate information on their profile.
  • Copy site data (DCMA), or attempt to transfer site data somewhere else.
  • Any other non-traditional site usage that may be harmful to administrators or other visitors.

Account Termination

We reserve the right to terminate an account with our services at any time without providing any notice or reason. 

Changes to the Terms & Conditions

Our Terms & Conditions were last updated 01/27/2024, at 8:01 AM (UTC). We reserve the right to change our terms at any time. If ever we do modify our terms, expect a notification from us about our doing. uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. More information.