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FunHouse [World]
Having trouble following the tutorial? Download my Item Sorter with this awesome Fun House world! This world features multiple Ite...
Easiest Item Sorter, Fast + Instant [1.21]
Quick and simple item sorter design that works instantly to organize all your items. Perfect for any base setup!
FishTank [World]
Having trouble following the tutorial? Download my AFK Bonemeal Fish Farm with this awesome FishTank world! I've built multiple ve...
Unlimited Slime Farm Minecraft Bedrock [1.21]
Let's build this new SLIME GOLEM Farm for Minecraft Bedrock 1.21! This farm generates massive amounts of slime & snow, and uses an...
Infinite Bonemeal AFK Farm [1.21]
Let's build a simple AFK Infinite Bonemeal Farm for your Minecraft Bedrock world! This easy Infinite Bonemeal farm allows you to A...
AvadiaKingdom [World]
This world is absolutely stunning, with 3+ farms to tour and spanning over 300+ blocks wide. Each farm is intricately detailed, de...
ChunkMap [World]
Chunks can be annoying to outline, and sometimes you just want to build something quickly in Creative. This map features over 1,00...
FrostBurg [World]
This world’s theme is based on an old SMP City that was constructed by the #MendingArmy Community. It features my Iron Farm, Trade...
Population [World]
Tired of shoveling sand all day? Population is an awesome Minecraft Bedrock world that features both a mini and giant sand farm. T...
HotPlace [World]
Learn more about Blazes and how my Blaze Farm works! This Nether world is neatly detailed, featuring two Blaze farm chambers, alon...
Moss Fields [World]
This simple world features two working Moss Farms, with detailed information beside them. If you're having trouble with the Moss F...
Easy Infinite Moss Farm Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 (AFK)
Let's build an easy 1.21 MOSS Farm for Minecraft Bedrock 1.21! This farm is infinite and will work on all Minecraft Bedrock Editio...
3 EASY Duplication Glitches Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 (NEW...
Discover 3 simple and reliable duplication glitches that work in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, perfect for your survival worlds or Realm...
Gravity Sand Farm, Gravity Sand Farm [Minecraft Bedrock...
Create infinite sand, gravel, and other gravity blocks with this fast and efficient design! Ideal for large projects, this farm du...
Blaze XP Generator, Blaze AFK Grinder [Minecraft Bedroc...
This blaze farm allows you to farm blaze rods and experience effortlessly. With an AFK mode, it gathers blazes for easy XP farming...
EASY Infinite Bonemeal Kelp FARM [1.21]
Effortlessly generate an endless supply of bonemeal with this compact kelp farm! Great for boosting crop growth or fueling your ot...